On a bustling night, a young woman named Chen Meng (played by Jiao Ting) fell from a building in a residential area and died. The cause of her death is unknown, and the crime scene is full of doubts. Soon, invitations with different contents but carrying the same ominous aura were sent to the CEO of the company, Li Jingwen (played by Zhang Daming), his wife Hu Jing (played by Hao Wenting), and the real estate company
On a bustling night, a young woman named Chen Meng (played by Jiao Ting) fell from a building in a residential area and died. The cause of her death is unknown, and the crime scene is full of doubts. Soon, invitations with different contents but carrying the same ominous aura were sent to the CEO of the company, Li Jingwen (played by Zhang Daming), his wife Hu Jing (played by Hao Wenting), and the real estate company