The story takes place in Hong Kong in the 1940s, where a young girl named Fang Lan (played by Zhou Xun) and her mother (played by Ye Dexian) live a life of mutual dependence. The two rent the second floor of their home to the writer Mao Dun (played by Guo Tao) and his wife Kong Deyi (played by Jiang Wenli). Fang Lan is very passionate about Mao Dun's writing, and in his
The story takes place in Hong Kong in the 1940s, where a young girl named Fang Lan (played by Zhou Xun) and her mother (played by Ye Dexian) live a life of mutual dependence. The two rent the second floor of their home to the writer Mao Dun (played by Guo Tao) and his wife Kong Deyi (played by Jiang Wenli). Fang Lan is very passionate about Mao Dun's writing, and in his