This film tells the story of a civil war that broke out in the early 21st century in the United States, where a dictatorship overthrew the democratic system and proclaimed itself a congressional watchdog. All the martyrs rose up to resist the violence, and the country was engulfed in flames of war. Military control was implemented more tightly in various regions. The only free city, Steel Port, is a mix of dragons and snakes in the city. Huo Fenghuang runs a bar here, and works as a part-time catcher with a group of anti riot elements
This film tells the story of a civil war that broke out in the early 21st century in the United States, where a dictatorship overthrew the democratic system and proclaimed itself a congressional watchdog. All the martyrs rose up to resist the violence, and the country was engulfed in flames of war. Military control was implemented more tightly in various regions. The only free city, Steel Port, is a mix of dragons and snakes in the city. Huo Fenghuang runs a bar here, and works as a part-time catcher with a group of anti riot elements