Produced by Huangpin Film, adapted from the true story of manga artist Shen Liu. The story tells of a young manga artist named Shen Liu, who, due to family reasons, experiences a 7-year wandering life without a place to settle down. Despite not having enough clothes to eat, he insists on drawing comics. With the encouragement and help of his only friend, he leaves his hometown and pursues his dreams, but suddenly becomes successful in his career
Produced by Huangpin Film, adapted from the true story of manga artist Shen Liu. The story tells of a young manga artist named Shen Liu, who, due to family reasons, experiences a 7-year wandering life without a place to settle down. Despite not having enough clothes to eat, he insists on drawing comics. With the encouragement and help of his only friend, he leaves his hometown and pursues his dreams, but suddenly becomes successful in his career