"The Dreamer on the Rice Waves" is a 60 minute documentary. The story starts with a grain of rice. Liang Zhengxian, the son of Taitung Chishang Rice Factory, is not seen by outsiders as a grain merchant. 20 years ago, he suffered an annual loss of 4 million yuan for 8 consecutive years to promote organic rice cultivation; For another origin that is only 3 times 5 centimeters in size
"The Dreamer on the Rice Waves" is a 60 minute documentary. The story starts with a grain of rice. Liang Zhengxian, the son of Taitung Chishang Rice Factory, is not seen by outsiders as a grain merchant. 20 years ago, he suffered an annual loss of 4 million yuan for 8 consecutive years to promote organic rice cultivation; For another origin that is only 3 times 5 centimeters in size