The story of "Drifting Between Evil" tells of Zu Xiaoai, Wu Zimao, and Lu Zishou meeting the reclusive comic novelist Xiao Mei, as well as the leg paralyzed Mao Zhijian (played by Huang Qiusheng) in the Rose Villa. Mao Zhijian witnessed the death of his parent-child in a car accident, and since then his legs have been paralyzed. He has a wife who is blind and married
The story of "Drifting Between Evil" tells of Zu Xiaoai, Wu Zimao, and Lu Zishou meeting the reclusive comic novelist Xiao Mei, as well as the leg paralyzed Mao Zhijian (played by Huang Qiusheng) in the Rose Villa. Mao Zhijian witnessed the death of his parent-child in a car accident, and since then his legs have been paralyzed. He has a wife who is blind and married