In the 1970s, various adventurers roamed in Hong Kong, which they believed was filled with gold. Song Chixiong (played by Huang Zongze) is honest and straightforward, often facing obstacles when looking for a job. One day, he encountered the cunning Xia Shisen (played by Xie Tianhua), who happened to be looking for work. Thanks to Xia Shisen's eloquent tongue, the two of them came to tea together
In the 1970s, various adventurers roamed in Hong Kong, which they believed was filled with gold. Song Chixiong (played by Huang Zongze) is honest and straightforward, often facing obstacles when looking for a job. One day, he encountered the cunning Xia Shisen (played by Xie Tianhua), who happened to be looking for work. Thanks to Xia Shisen's eloquent tongue, the two of them came to tea together