Zhou Manxiu (played by Hyun Bin)'s mother suffers from Alzheimer's disease and relies on her meager income from working in a barbershop. Zhou Manxiu struggles to maintain a life of dependence with her mother. Zhou Manxiu's older brother is a gambler who spends a lot of money. Whenever he is short of money, he will find his younger brother and reach out for money, and he is kind
Zhou Manxiu (played by Hyun Bin)'s mother suffers from Alzheimer's disease and relies on her meager income from working in a barbershop. Zhou Manxiu struggles to maintain a life of dependence with her mother. Zhou Manxiu's older brother is a gambler who spends a lot of money. Whenever he is short of money, he will find his younger brother and reach out for money, and he is kind