"The Broken King" is adapted from a real-life story in Benxi, Liaoning. It tells the story of a group of waste buyers who started their own businesses during the early stages of reform and opening up. A rag king started by collecting rags and later became the owner of a steel company. Liu Bei plays the daughter of the Broken King in the drama. Initially, she was assigned to work at the cultural center, but later on, she became a cultural figure
"The Broken King" is adapted from a real-life story in Benxi, Liaoning. It tells the story of a group of waste buyers who started their own businesses during the early stages of reform and opening up. A rag king started by collecting rags and later became the owner of a steel company. Liu Bei plays the daughter of the Broken King in the drama. Initially, she was assigned to work at the cultural center, but later on, she became a cultural figure