Zhenren (played by Lin Xiujing) and Daoxian (played by Li Shanjun) are connected in Japan due to an earthquake. After a sweet period of passionate love, she quickly entered into marriage, but the seven-year itch arrived as promised. Zhenren became a nagging, sharp, and hard to listen shrew, leaving Daoxian exhausted from the delicious food and barrage of words that were attached to her every day
Zhenren (played by Lin Xiujing) and Daoxian (played by Li Shanjun) are connected in Japan due to an earthquake. After a sweet period of passionate love, she quickly entered into marriage, but the seven-year itch arrived as promised. Zhenren became a nagging, sharp, and hard to listen shrew, leaving Daoxian exhausted from the delicious food and barrage of words that were attached to her every day