The suspenseful era drama "Police Encounter Soldiers", directed by Ouyang Fenqiang and starring Sun Xun, Wu Jian, Zhao Liang, and other female artists such as Qin Hailu and He Saifei, has recently been successfully completed in Chengdu. This time, Sun Xun and Qin Hailu played a couple in the drama and raised four lovely children for the sake of their wives and children's lives
The suspenseful era drama "Police Encounter Soldiers", directed by Ouyang Fenqiang and starring Sun Xun, Wu Jian, Zhao Liang, and other female artists such as Qin Hailu and He Saifei, has recently been successfully completed in Chengdu. This time, Sun Xun and Qin Hailu played a couple in the drama and raised four lovely children for the sake of their wives and children's lives