Li Guangzhu has confirmed his role in the unnamed sequel film Detective: The Beginning. The first lead actors Kwon Sang woo and Cheng Dong ri will return, and the film will be directed by Li Yanxi (Lost: The Disappearing Woman). The film will continue to tell the story of detective genius Jiang Dawan (played by Quan Xiangyou) and detective Lu Taizhu (played by Cheng Dongri). Li Guangzhu plays
Li Guangzhu has confirmed his role in the unnamed sequel film Detective: The Beginning. The first lead actors Kwon Sang woo and Cheng Dong ri will return, and the film will be directed by Li Yanxi (Lost: The Disappearing Woman). The film will continue to tell the story of detective genius Jiang Dawan (played by Quan Xiangyou) and detective Lu Taizhu (played by Cheng Dongri). Li Guangzhu plays