The movie tells the story of the heroine Yan Ruyu (played by Yang Jinjie) who, in order to eradicate corrupt officials, collaborates with scholars Song Shao and the Jin Yi Wei Jiang Fengyang to prevent the eunuch Liu Chong from usurping power. Yan Ruyu struggles hard in the face of "righteousness" and "personal grievances", showcasing the fragile side of human nature and portraying a Jianghu person with weaknesses and human feelings.
The movie tells the story of the heroine Yan Ruyu (played by Yang Jinjie) who, in order to eradicate corrupt officials, collaborates with scholars Song Shao and the Jin Yi Wei Jiang Fengyang to prevent the eunuch Liu Chong from usurping power. Yan Ruyu struggles hard in the face of "righteousness" and "personal grievances", showcasing the fragile side of human nature and portraying a Jianghu person with weaknesses and human feelings.