Zhou Xiaodi (voiced by Xu Jiao) and Zhou's father (played by Shi Banyu), alien dog Qizi (voiced by Lin Su), and chubby dog Zhu Guli (voiced by Jian Yaozong) live a happy and joyful life together. One day, they met Alien Warrior 88 in an abandoned amusement park. The confused warrior told Zhou Xiaodi that at this time, the interstellar
Zhou Xiaodi (voiced by Xu Jiao) and Zhou's father (played by Shi Banyu), alien dog Qizi (voiced by Lin Su), and chubby dog Zhu Guli (voiced by Jian Yaozong) live a happy and joyful life together. One day, they met Alien Warrior 88 in an abandoned amusement park. The confused warrior told Zhou Xiaodi that at this time, the interstellar