This drama is an ancient costume fantasy drama adapted from the novel of the same name, telling the story of the female lead Ji Yunhe and the male lead Changyi, who is a shark, falling in love. The two originally had a relationship of control and being controlled, but after gradually developing feelings and experiencing a series of conspiracies and misunderstandings, they met and parted ways, ultimately breaking down the barriers between the two worlds, freeing themselves from constraints, and saving each other's sex
This drama is an ancient costume fantasy drama adapted from the novel of the same name, telling the story of the female lead Ji Yunhe and the male lead Changyi, who is a shark, falling in love. The two originally had a relationship of control and being controlled, but after gradually developing feelings and experiencing a series of conspiracies and misunderstandings, they met and parted ways, ultimately breaking down the barriers between the two worlds, freeing themselves from constraints, and saving each other's sex