Guo Jing (played by Bai Baihe), a college student, has been in a relationship for several years. Her boyfriend (played by Guo Jingfei) not only never admits to this relationship, but also broke up after graduation because she looked too ugly. Guo Jing, who was greatly affected, didn't even have time to cry and immediately joined the army of job seekers. Due to her mediocre appearance, Guo Jing repeatedly struggled in her job search process
Guo Jing (played by Bai Baihe), a college student, has been in a relationship for several years. Her boyfriend (played by Guo Jingfei) not only never admits to this relationship, but also broke up after graduation because she looked too ugly. Guo Jing, who was greatly affected, didn't even have time to cry and immediately joined the army of job seekers. Due to her mediocre appearance, Guo Jing repeatedly struggled in her job search process