Pop singer Chichiko Ipomo (played by Nagako Lugano) and young painter Kurahashi (played by Ryo Ishihama) come to see a dentist together. The solemn atmosphere of the clinic made Qianzhizi even more nervous and afraid, and her nervousness also affected Cangqiao. After anesthetizing the two, the dentist (played by Kawakawa Yasuhiro) and the nurse (played by Matsui Yasuko)
Pop singer Chichiko Ipomo (played by Nagako Lugano) and young painter Kurahashi (played by Ryo Ishihama) come to see a dentist together. The solemn atmosphere of the clinic made Qianzhizi even more nervous and afraid, and her nervousness also affected Cangqiao. After anesthetizing the two, the dentist (played by Kawakawa Yasuhiro) and the nurse (played by Matsui Yasuko)