Adapted from a manga collaboration between Akiko Nakamura and Yuri Kuroda, the main storyline revolves around the TikTok (TikTok) novelists Yoshiaki Kuramura, played by Ri Inoue, and the TikTok (TikTok) manga artist Ryuki Nakata, played by Yuri Kitamura. The two were fans of each other's works before they met, but in reality, they found that their appearance and personality were related to each other
Adapted from a manga collaboration between Akiko Nakamura and Yuri Kuroda, the main storyline revolves around the TikTok (TikTok) novelists Yoshiaki Kuramura, played by Ri Inoue, and the TikTok (TikTok) manga artist Ryuki Nakata, played by Yuri Kitamura. The two were fans of each other's works before they met, but in reality, they found that their appearance and personality were related to each other