On the bustling streets of Hong Kong, a young man named Qiu Bing (played by Huang Zongze) and his friend Da Beer (played by Senmei) jointly operate a mobile ice cream truck. The two of them act cool and handsome, but their lives are incredibly realistic. The goddess of love has yet to favor the grassroots class with weak business prospects, and they can only look at the beautiful woman and lament. The girl from the small shop downstairs
On the bustling streets of Hong Kong, a young man named Qiu Bing (played by Huang Zongze) and his friend Da Beer (played by Senmei) jointly operate a mobile ice cream truck. The two of them act cool and handsome, but their lives are incredibly realistic. The goddess of love has yet to favor the grassroots class with weak business prospects, and they can only look at the beautiful woman and lament. The girl from the small shop downstairs