The remnants of the Saiyan people, Paragus, and his son Broglie, wreaked havoc on the Southern Milky Way. Eventually, the father and son descended on Earth and requested that Vegeta ascend to the throne as the king of the new Vegeta planet. Righteous and foolish, Vegeta believed his request and, in order to establish the most powerful empire in the universe, he followed the father and son of Palagus to visit New Vegeta
The remnants of the Saiyan people, Paragus, and his son Broglie, wreaked havoc on the Southern Milky Way. Eventually, the father and son descended on Earth and requested that Vegeta ascend to the throne as the king of the new Vegeta planet. Righteous and foolish, Vegeta believed his request and, in order to establish the most powerful empire in the universe, he followed the father and son of Palagus to visit New Vegeta