The story revolves around a dilapidated old courtyard, focusing on depicting the sentient beings of the 72 tenants who rent here. Under the oppression of the landlady Ba Gu (played by Hu Jin), the tenants were unable to live a peaceful life all day long. Ba Gu is coquettish and aggressive, and treats people harshly. But her adopted daughter Ah Xiang (played by Jing Li) is willing to help others. Finally, eight
The story revolves around a dilapidated old courtyard, focusing on depicting the sentient beings of the 72 tenants who rent here. Under the oppression of the landlady Ba Gu (played by Hu Jin), the tenants were unable to live a peaceful life all day long. Ba Gu is coquettish and aggressive, and treats people harshly. But her adopted daughter Ah Xiang (played by Jing Li) is willing to help others. Finally, eight