Far away from the underworld life of licking blood with a blade, former Hayabusa member Ichiko (played by Kusanaga) lives an ordinary life in a corner of the city. On this day, Yanichi, a cashier at a certain supermarket, was imprisoned together with the elderly robber Yuzo Aoi (played by Masayoshi Sakai) for a robbery. Under the courteous introduction of the other party, Yanichi regained his freedom and stepped forward
Far away from the underworld life of licking blood with a blade, former Hayabusa member Ichiko (played by Kusanaga) lives an ordinary life in a corner of the city. On this day, Yanichi, a cashier at a certain supermarket, was imprisoned together with the elderly robber Yuzo Aoi (played by Masayoshi Sakai) for a robbery. Under the courteous introduction of the other party, Yanichi regained his freedom and stepped forward