The leader of the Ikamoto gumi (played by Kokumura Hayashi), who belongs to the top gang organization in Kanto, the Mountain King Association, once became brothers with the leader of the group's Oda Murase gumi (played by Yasushi Ishihashi) in prison. The Mountain King is ambitious and constantly covets Murase's territory and drug business. Under the guidance of Yamakini Kato (played by Yoshihiro Miura), Kiyomoto
The leader of the Ikamoto gumi (played by Kokumura Hayashi), who belongs to the top gang organization in Kanto, the Mountain King Association, once became brothers with the leader of the group's Oda Murase gumi (played by Yasushi Ishihashi) in prison. The Mountain King is ambitious and constantly covets Murase's territory and drug business. Under the guidance of Yamakini Kato (played by Yoshihiro Miura), Kiyomoto