The story takes place during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. From a young age, Nie Duobao (played by Ma Junwei), who was known for his martial prowess, clashed with the Blue Feather Guard Erhao, triggering a conflict between the Manchu and Han dynasties. Kangxi (played by Chen Guobang) ordered Han people to also apply for the Imperial Guard exam in order to prevent the dispute from escalating. Later, he was stranded due to the obstruction of Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang (played by Cheng Kewei). Shunzhi Lin
The story takes place during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. From a young age, Nie Duobao (played by Ma Junwei), who was known for his martial prowess, clashed with the Blue Feather Guard Erhao, triggering a conflict between the Manchu and Han dynasties. Kangxi (played by Chen Guobang) ordered Han people to also apply for the Imperial Guard exam in order to prevent the dispute from escalating. Later, he was stranded due to the obstruction of Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang (played by Cheng Kewei). Shunzhi Lin