"Lady Revenge" tells the story of the female assassin Chanel (played by Teresa Teng), who has been married for ten years and firmly believes that her husband will continue to be the same; The female thief Dior (played by Zhou Xiuna) happened to have been dating for ten years, and her life is warm and sweet. One day, the two women discovered that their other half had a third party, and under investigation, they discovered that it was actually each other! Two people fighting
"Lady Revenge" tells the story of the female assassin Chanel (played by Teresa Teng), who has been married for ten years and firmly believes that her husband will continue to be the same; The female thief Dior (played by Zhou Xiuna) happened to have been dating for ten years, and her life is warm and sweet. One day, the two women discovered that their other half had a third party, and under investigation, they discovered that it was actually each other! Two people fighting