Manga artist Katsuki Tanaka's debut work "In the Backlight" has recently been confirmed to be a live action film version, with the protagonist Takafumi Akita played by Masahiro Takasugi and directed by Keiichi Kobayashi, who previously collaborated with him in the film "Oda no Kami". "In the Backlight" is a debut work serialized by Katsuki Tanaka from 1988 to 1989
Manga artist Katsuki Tanaka's debut work "In the Backlight" has recently been confirmed to be a live action film version, with the protagonist Takafumi Akita played by Masahiro Takasugi and directed by Keiichi Kobayashi, who previously collaborated with him in the film "Oda no Kami". "In the Backlight" is a debut work serialized by Katsuki Tanaka from 1988 to 1989