The directorial debut of writer Choi Seung hyun, who has written the movie "Against the Scales", tells the story of the relationship between his older brother, who is no longer a talented boxer, and his younger brother, a talented pianist with physical disabilities. Lee Byung hyun plays the older brother, Park Chung min plays the younger brother, Yoon Ru jung plays the role of mother, and Han Chi jin will assist Park Chung min in his role.
The directorial debut of writer Choi Seung hyun, who has written the movie "Against the Scales", tells the story of the relationship between his older brother, who is no longer a talented boxer, and his younger brother, a talented pianist with physical disabilities. Lee Byung hyun plays the older brother, Park Chung min plays the younger brother, Yoon Ru jung plays the role of mother, and Han Chi jin will assist Park Chung min in his role.