22-year-old beauty Ichiwa Shigawa (played by Alice Hirose) received a huge inheritance from her deceased father, so her relatives wanted to disguise her as an accident and kill her to seize money. In order to protect her, the domestic housewife Masako Hashita (played by Mizuno Miki) who lives with her hired a detective named Chikugawa Guang (played by Kenichi Ryuta). He can detect subtle details
22-year-old beauty Ichiwa Shigawa (played by Alice Hirose) received a huge inheritance from her deceased father, so her relatives wanted to disguise her as an accident and kill her to seize money. In order to protect her, the domestic housewife Masako Hashita (played by Mizuno Miki) who lives with her hired a detective named Chikugawa Guang (played by Kenichi Ryuta). He can detect subtle details