The story takes place in a small town in northern China, where there is a school for training martial artists. A few years ago, a large number of young people, including Li Yi (played by Wang Wenjie), Yang Yaowu (played by Liu Fengchao), and Fang Fang (played by Feier), gathered here from all directions and began their martial arts studies with Li Bai's "Youth Tour" as their left and right inscriptions
The story takes place in a small town in northern China, where there is a school for training martial artists. A few years ago, a large number of young people, including Li Yi (played by Wang Wenjie), Yang Yaowu (played by Liu Fengchao), and Fang Fang (played by Feier), gathered here from all directions and began their martial arts studies with Li Bai's "Youth Tour" as their left and right inscriptions