This film is adapted from the manga of the same name by Hiroku Waka. At the age of 26, Shizuki Shizuno learned about his friend Masako's death from a television news report. Masako had been abused by his father since his student days, and Kozuki decided to do something for him. In order to save the soul of Shinriko, Xiaozhui decided to take her ashes and unfold
This film is adapted from the manga of the same name by Hiroku Waka. At the age of 26, Shizuki Shizuno learned about his friend Masako's death from a television news report. Masako had been abused by his father since his student days, and Kozuki decided to do something for him. In order to save the soul of Shinriko, Xiaozhui decided to take her ashes and unfold