This film tells the story of Zhao Xudong (played by Duan Yihong), a blasting worker in a mine, who narrowly escapes a mining accident and discovers that it is a huge conspiracy. As the investigation deepened, he was gradually drawn into the center of the vortex. His girlfriend Xiao Hong (played by Yu Nan) is implicated and becomes a hostage as a result, and his old friend Officer Xu (played by Wang)
This film tells the story of Zhao Xudong (played by Duan Yihong), a blasting worker in a mine, who narrowly escapes a mining accident and discovers that it is a huge conspiracy. As the investigation deepened, he was gradually drawn into the center of the vortex. His girlfriend Xiao Hong (played by Yu Nan) is implicated and becomes a hostage as a result, and his old friend Officer Xu (played by Wang)