The underworld swordsman Ah Nai (played by Chen Xiaochun) has been imprisoned for eight years and finally released from prison. Feeling tired of his gang life, Ah Nai hopes to take care of his two sisters, Da Mei and Xiao Mei, and successfully enroll them in college. A nail and his friend Jiuhui, who grew up playing since childhood, joined forces to run a decoration company and are determined to completely withdraw from the world. However, the two younger sisters have caused a lot of concern for A nail
The underworld swordsman Ah Nai (played by Chen Xiaochun) has been imprisoned for eight years and finally released from prison. Feeling tired of his gang life, Ah Nai hopes to take care of his two sisters, Da Mei and Xiao Mei, and successfully enroll them in college. A nail and his friend Jiuhui, who grew up playing since childhood, joined forces to run a decoration company and are determined to completely withdraw from the world. However, the two younger sisters have caused a lot of concern for A nail