This drama tells the story of Su Li, the richest woman from a salt mining family in Yuan'an City. Due to her longing for her mother and her desire to inquire about her whereabouts, she marries down to the Marquis's Mansion in Yuan'an City, which is related to her mother's whereabouts. After meeting the cold faced Marquis Xiao Baiyan of the mansion, she falls in love with each other, heals each other, supports her growth, and ultimately finds her mother
This drama tells the story of Su Li, the richest woman from a salt mining family in Yuan'an City. Due to her longing for her mother and her desire to inquire about her whereabouts, she marries down to the Marquis's Mansion in Yuan'an City, which is related to her mother's whereabouts. After meeting the cold faced Marquis Xiao Baiyan of the mansion, she falls in love with each other, heals each other, supports her growth, and ultimately finds her mother