"The Chronicles of the Wanderers" is adapted from the novel "Nightwalker: Twenty Years of Suppressing Demons". It tells the story of a young man named Hou Mo who, in an unexpected event, stimulates the potential genetic abilities in his body, transforming from a small town figure to a hero who fights against the strong and helps the weak. He overcame his own shortcomings, transcended himself, and gradually grew into a responsible and responsible person
"The Chronicles of the Wanderers" is adapted from the novel "Nightwalker: Twenty Years of Suppressing Demons". It tells the story of a young man named Hou Mo who, in an unexpected event, stimulates the potential genetic abilities in his body, transforming from a small town figure to a hero who fights against the strong and helps the weak. He overcame his own shortcomings, transcended himself, and gradually grew into a responsible and responsible person