The film is set in the context of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and tells the story of General Yang Jingyu and the anti Japanese soldiers who fight to the death against the Japanese army to inherit the revolutionary legacy. They vow to protect the members of the "Iron Blooded Youth Team" and evacuate the secret camp. Under the dual blow of extreme cold environment and cruel combat, these heroes bravely sacrifice themselves to save the 13-year-old girl
The film is set in the context of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and tells the story of General Yang Jingyu and the anti Japanese soldiers who fight to the death against the Japanese army to inherit the revolutionary legacy. They vow to protect the members of the "Iron Blooded Youth Team" and evacuate the secret camp. Under the dual blow of extreme cold environment and cruel combat, these heroes bravely sacrifice themselves to save the 13-year-old girl