The drama is based on real cases and tells the story of Fang Daqing, Deputy Director of the Anti Corruption Bureau of the Second Branch of the People's Procuratorate of Yanzhou City, Xia Jingru, Director of the Public Prosecution Department, and others who face complex and thorny cases. They calmly resolve cases, unravel clues, and engage in intellectual battles with criminals. Young prosecutors led by Fang and Xia, Chen Chen, Yu Yuelong, and Zhou
The drama is based on real cases and tells the story of Fang Daqing, Deputy Director of the Anti Corruption Bureau of the Second Branch of the People's Procuratorate of Yanzhou City, Xia Jingru, Director of the Public Prosecution Department, and others who face complex and thorny cases. They calmly resolve cases, unravel clues, and engage in intellectual battles with criminals. Young prosecutors led by Fang and Xia, Chen Chen, Yu Yuelong, and Zhou