Baotian Duojialiang (played by Chiba Xiongda), who works in the company, watched the performance of the troupe's heroes. Duo Jialiang, who was impressed by the acting skills of Yuren Yajima (played by Akira Nagayama) in that performance, decided to quit his job at the company and move on to the path of acting. Youren instilled the color of acting into Duo Jialiang, who joined the theater troupe as a hero,
Baotian Duojialiang (played by Chiba Xiongda), who works in the company, watched the performance of the troupe's heroes. Duo Jialiang, who was impressed by the acting skills of Yuren Yajima (played by Akira Nagayama) in that performance, decided to quit his job at the company and move on to the path of acting. Youren instilled the color of acting into Duo Jialiang, who joined the theater troupe as a hero,