Hideaki Ito will star in the NHK TV series "Liquid~Miracle Winemaker of Ghost Wine~", set in Kanazawa during the winter season. The story tells of Hideaki Ito, who plays the only son of a time-honored liquor store, resigns from his bank job, blocks his life, and saves the heavily indebted liquor store. Co starring Masahiko Tsuchikawa and Yukio Tsuchikawa. April
Hideaki Ito will star in the NHK TV series "Liquid~Miracle Winemaker of Ghost Wine~", set in Kanazawa during the winter season. The story tells of Hideaki Ito, who plays the only son of a time-honored liquor store, resigns from his bank job, blocks his life, and saves the heavily indebted liquor store. Co starring Masahiko Tsuchikawa and Yukio Tsuchikawa. April