Talented chef Gao Tianbao (played by Wang Zulan), who comes from a wealthy family since childhood, is born with an extremely sensitive sense of smell and taste. He tastes all kinds of delicacies and has high requirements for ingredients. Unfortunately, his family's fortunes declined and he made a living by running a small shop in the capital city that specializes in making salted fish buns. The owner of the noodle shop adjacent to the small shop, Mi Xiaoyu (He Yanshi)
Talented chef Gao Tianbao (played by Wang Zulan), who comes from a wealthy family since childhood, is born with an extremely sensitive sense of smell and taste. He tastes all kinds of delicacies and has high requirements for ingredients. Unfortunately, his family's fortunes declined and he made a living by running a small shop in the capital city that specializes in making salted fish buns. The owner of the noodle shop adjacent to the small shop, Mi Xiaoyu (He Yanshi)