Kanzaki Mitsuichi (played by Masahiro Tamura), who runs a hospital, and his wife Miyako (played by Tsutomi Kuroki) have been married for many years. They have three children, and their family of five lives peacefully and happily. As the head of the family, Wanyi firmly believes that "without rules, there can be no harmony". In managing the family, he is "dictatorial"
Kanzaki Mitsuichi (played by Masahiro Tamura), who runs a hospital, and his wife Miyako (played by Tsutomi Kuroki) have been married for many years. They have three children, and their family of five lives peacefully and happily. As the head of the family, Wanyi firmly believes that "without rules, there can be no harmony". In managing the family, he is "dictatorial"