In 2009, a young girl named Sakura Shazaki (played by Kyoko Fanggen) was brutally murdered, causing her sister Rina (played by Keiko Kitagawa) to suffer excruciating pain. Before being murdered, Sakura secretly moved to a relative's home to avoid being harassed by a stalker. However, a bad detective was found by a stalker's agent to investigate the girl's whereabouts
In 2009, a young girl named Sakura Shazaki (played by Kyoko Fanggen) was brutally murdered, causing her sister Rina (played by Keiko Kitagawa) to suffer excruciating pain. Before being murdered, Sakura secretly moved to a relative's home to avoid being harassed by a stalker. However, a bad detective was found by a stalker's agent to investigate the girl's whereabouts