It tells the story of a young girl named Bu Hanlu (played by Wu Qianying) who has always believed that she has saved the world and that her sister has been abducted by aliens. In order to save her sister, she has been lonely and enduring misunderstandings from the people around her. It is not until the appearance of school bully Lin Qianhe (played by Liu Jiayi) and a group of friends that her life is no longer lonely, and she eventually finds her own
It tells the story of a young girl named Bu Hanlu (played by Wu Qianying) who has always believed that she has saved the world and that her sister has been abducted by aliens. In order to save her sister, she has been lonely and enduring misunderstandings from the people around her. It is not until the appearance of school bully Lin Qianhe (played by Liu Jiayi) and a group of friends that her life is no longer lonely, and she eventually finds her own