The novel "F · Abandoned Life" by Kazuwa Moe is depicted through the use of Kaneko Shusuke. In the midst of the rapid rise in personal ambition, Tomoko Haneda, who is known as the "Great Commander", has become a prominent figure. He has also co performed with Tetsuya Kumagawa, embellishing the postures of men and women without using his love skills. Mechanical performance improvement, vehicle accidents
The novel "F · Abandoned Life" by Kazuwa Moe is depicted through the use of Kaneko Shusuke. In the midst of the rapid rise in personal ambition, Tomoko Haneda, who is known as the "Great Commander", has become a prominent figure. He has also co performed with Tetsuya Kumagawa, embellishing the postures of men and women without using his love skills. Mechanical performance improvement, vehicle accidents