This film tells the story of Gao Shansong, a talented student from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences who left a small mountain village called Jinfeng Bay. After completing his studies, he returns to Jinfeng Bay with his college girlfriend Jin Feng to devote himself to the scientific research and construction of the village. The film praises the two protagonists for their diligent, down-to-earth, courageous dedication, and dedication to science.
This film tells the story of Gao Shansong, a talented student from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences who left a small mountain village called Jinfeng Bay. After completing his studies, he returns to Jinfeng Bay with his college girlfriend Jin Feng to devote himself to the scientific research and construction of the village. The film praises the two protagonists for their diligent, down-to-earth, courageous dedication, and dedication to science.