This work tells the story of Tetsunosuke's life in the Shinsei gumi after the Ikedaya incident, as well as the dark wave of the times surging under the illusion of a peaceful life. Japan will usher in a earth shattering transformation, and the era will set off a huge wave. Everyone, including the protagonists of the story, will be submerged by the tide of the times without exception... At the end of the curtain, a new era will emerge
This work tells the story of Tetsunosuke's life in the Shinsei gumi after the Ikedaya incident, as well as the dark wave of the times surging under the illusion of a peaceful life. Japan will usher in a earth shattering transformation, and the era will set off a huge wave. Everyone, including the protagonists of the story, will be submerged by the tide of the times without exception... At the end of the curtain, a new era will emerge