"Jiang Canteen" is a variety show on TVN in South Korea, produced by Ro Seok seok (Ro PD) of "Grandpa Hua". It is co hosted by Jiang Haotong, Lee Shougen, Yin Zhiyuan, An Zaixian, and Song Minhao. The show is a remake of the popular program "Yin Canteen" and is a special planning program launched by "New Journey to the West". The content mainly focuses on setting up
"Jiang Canteen" is a variety show on TVN in South Korea, produced by Ro Seok seok (Ro PD) of "Grandpa Hua". It is co hosted by Jiang Haotong, Lee Shougen, Yin Zhiyuan, An Zaixian, and Song Minhao. The show is a remake of the popular program "Yin Canteen" and is a special planning program launched by "New Journey to the West". The content mainly focuses on setting up