The story tells of a college student named Xiaoyuan Lily (a horse farm rich beauty) who is plagued by a stalking frenzy. She decides to search for a new home at a real estate agency because her mailbox has been filled with used tissues. The real estate agency responsible for leading her on a tour is Tomiko Kojima, a member of the real estate agency. Hai Hai called each other "lily sauce" and even said that everyone was in elementary school
The story tells of a college student named Xiaoyuan Lily (a horse farm rich beauty) who is plagued by a stalking frenzy. She decides to search for a new home at a real estate agency because her mailbox has been filled with used tissues. The real estate agency responsible for leading her on a tour is Tomiko Kojima, a member of the real estate agency. Hai Hai called each other "lily sauce" and even said that everyone was in elementary school