The original work of Takeichi Terazawa, also known as "Tenkoku", is the second installment of SFOVA. In the same way as in the previous work, I was responsible for overseeing the first version of "Monster City" by Akira Kawashiri. The younger brother of a beautiful woman named Ryoko, who has been exploring for less than 3 days, will be accepted as a gift, commonly known as "Ryoko"
The original work of Takeichi Terazawa, also known as "Tenkoku", is the second installment of SFOVA. In the same way as in the previous work, I was responsible for overseeing the first version of "Monster City" by Akira Kawashiri. The younger brother of a beautiful woman named Ryoko, who has been exploring for less than 3 days, will be accepted as a gift, commonly known as "Ryoko"