Detective tells the story of the protagonist Da Wan (played by Kwon Sang woo), who has a genius sixth sense of investigation, and the veteran detective (played by Cheng Dong ri), who work together to solve a mysterious murder case. The protagonist played by Quan Xiangyou, Da Wan, is the head of a family and runs a comic book bookstore to make a living. However, he is actually a genius detective who operates it privately
Detective tells the story of the protagonist Da Wan (played by Kwon Sang woo), who has a genius sixth sense of investigation, and the veteran detective (played by Cheng Dong ri), who work together to solve a mysterious murder case. The protagonist played by Quan Xiangyou, Da Wan, is the head of a family and runs a comic book bookstore to make a living. However, he is actually a genius detective who operates it privately