On June 26, 1946, Chiang Kai shek (played by Ma Xiaowei) tore up the ceasefire agreement and besieged our army's Li Xiannian (played by Xu Ping) troops in the Central Plains, leading to a full-scale outbreak of civil war. Within a year of the start of the war, our army was basically in strategic defense. Under the strategic decision of Chairman Mao (played by Tang Guoqiang), we crushed Chiang Kai shek's attack on our Shandong province
On June 26, 1946, Chiang Kai shek (played by Ma Xiaowei) tore up the ceasefire agreement and besieged our army's Li Xiannian (played by Xu Ping) troops in the Central Plains, leading to a full-scale outbreak of civil war. Within a year of the start of the war, our army was basically in strategic defense. Under the strategic decision of Chairman Mao (played by Tang Guoqiang), we crushed Chiang Kai shek's attack on our Shandong province